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  1. Selection progress: first come first serve for the program (5 – 10 mentors and 5-10 mentee per company).

  2. Pairing: for the selected participants, you will receive a questionnaire with objective and motivations to joining the program. Based on common objectives, we will be matching the pair cross company. We will notify you of selection and pairing by mid to end October. At the kick off event (November 13th 2024) you will meet & greet your mentor/mentee in person.

  3. Session frequency: it will be up to mentor and mentees (suggested 10 micro sessions or 1 macro session per month between November 2024  and May 2025); it will need to fit the pair needs.

  4. How do we know this is working? The Shine Forward Steerco will organize a mid program check in (virtual) and an in company check in with mentors and mentees, with possibility of a mid level survey (what is working/what is not)

  5. Survey: we will assess learnings, successes, anecdotes. Closure of the program is planned with an in person celebratory event; it will be communicated close to in May 2025

  6. Who to contact: see Contact & About us section on the website

  7. In the event of challenge, feedback, change of time commitment, please reach out timely to your in-company representative (see Contact & About us)

  8. Duration of the program: November to May. We recommend to inform your manager about the dedication of your time and participation to the pilot to ensure you are supported for your efforts.

  9. Success criteria of the pilot: your insight and feedback as well as your NPS. We highly value your commitment, input, recommendations.

  10. Privacy: your data shared to us will be guarded under GDPR guidelines. We won’t be sharing your data publicly. Your personal goals will only be shared with the Steerco and your pair. Data stored in the company network. All surveys will be anonymized.

  11. Privacy - in company data: be mindful of what you share from your company; this is a program for your own personal development. Please follow your company GDPR and compliance guidelines.

For any other queries, please see Contact & About us


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Donia Ibrahimi
26 juli 2023 · heeft een post geplaatst in ShineForward groep

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